From 2014 to 2020, the European Union has allocated 18% more resources to Romania than for the previous 7 years, bringing the total sum to 43 billion euros, to be divided between structural funds, cohesion funds and agricultural funds.
Among the thematic objectives we find: strengthening research, technological development and innovation, supporting the transition to a low carbon economy in all sectors, promoting sustainability and the quality of jobs, support for professional mobility and more.
From 2014 to 2020, Romania will invest the structural funds of the European Union, through the following operational programs:
– OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME HUMAN CAPITAL: determines the investment priorities, and specific objectives which Romania must undertake in the field of human resources in order to reduce the disparities in economic and social development between Romania and EU member states.
– OPERATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS PROGRAMME: addresses the challenges stemming from the low support for research, development and innovation and the under-developed information and communication technologies, services, infrastructure, bio-economy, space and security, energy, environment and climate change, eco – nanotechnologies and advanced materials.
– OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME FOR LARGE INFRASTRUCTURE: It is based on sustainable growth (low carbon emissions) by financing activities in 4 sectors: transport infrastructure, environmental protection, risk management and adaptation to climate change, energy and energy efficiency.
– OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: aims to guarantee the capacity and tools necessary for the effective coordination, management and control of the European Structural Funds, of the investments and their effective implementation, providing support for preparation, management and monitoring, evaluation, networking information and communication, resolution of complaints, control and audit.
– REGIONAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME: aims to increase the overall economic competitiveness and improve the living conditions of local and regional communities by supporting the development of the business environment, infrastructure and services for the sustainable development of the regions so that they can effectively manage resources and exploit the potential for innovation and assimilation of technological progress. Da cambiare anche in italiano e
– OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY: aims at improving the efficiency, the transparency and the accessibility of Romania’s public administration and judicial system, through competitive public services, investments and quality regulation.
– OPERATIONAL PROGRAM DISADVANTAGED PEOPLE FUND FOR EUROPEAN AID TO THE MOST DEPRIVED: Supports the actions of member states to provide material assistance to the poorest categories of the population, providing food aid and basic material assistance.
– RURAL DEVELOPMENT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME: its objective is the economic – social development of the rural area in Romania through the strategic approach of the following objectives: restructuring and growth of the profitability of farms, sustainable management of natural resources and combating climate change, diversification of economic activities, job creation, improvement of infrastructure and services to improve the quality of life in rural areas.
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